Dec 1, 2020

Array(n) constructor

JavaScript Array constructor can be used in the follow syntax.

  const items1 = new Array(2); //(2) [empty × 2]
  const items2 = Array(2); //(2) [empty × 2]

So you may think that, you can iterate the array using for/loop or method such as map, forEach with the newly created array. But it doesn't work.

for(let i = 0; i < items1.length; i++) {

// or 

const newItems =, index) => {
   return index;

Why? What this constructor or function does, is essenetially the following. It does not have anything inside, even though the length is set to 2.

  const items = [];
  items.length = 2;

If what you want is to initialize an array of a number of undefine value or any other value, you can do the following.

const items1 = Array(2).fill(); //(2) [undefined, undefined]
const items2 = [...Array(2)];  //(2) [undefined, undefined]
const items3 = Array(2).fill().map((_, index) => index); //[0, 1]
const items4 = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, index) => index)); //[0, 1]

Oct 7, 2020

Demystify typescript keyword type and typeof

In typescript, keyword 'type' is used to alias existing types or anonymous types. This is typescript feature, and it has nothing to do with JavaScript. While const/let are used to declare variable in JavaScript.

class Person {
   constructor(public name: string) {}

type PersonAlias = Person; // Person is used as a type
const Person2 = Person;    // Person is used as a value

type PersonAlias2 = Person2; // error, Person2 is a value, not a type
type PersonAlias3 = PersonAlias; // ok, PersonAlias is a type

Because you can not assign value to a type, typescript introduced a keyword 'typeof', which can convert a value into a type. But don't be confused with JavaScript keyword 'typeof', which convert a value into a string value, such as "function", "string", etc.

const p = new Person('john');
type PersonAlias4 = typeof p; // typescript type
const typeName = typeof p; // javascript vlaue: "object"

In the following code, the Person class can be used as a typescript type and a javascript vlaue. If it is used as value, it is a bit confusing.

type PersonClass = typeof Person; // Person is used as javascript vlaue
type PersonAliase4 = Person;  // Person is used as a typescript type

let personInstance: PersonAliase4 = new Person('john'); // ok

let personClass: PersonClass = personInstance; // error; type of "Person" 
// is not the type of "typeof Person" :)

personClass = class { constructor(public name: string) { } }; //ok

You can test the code here

Oct 4, 2020

When the change detector of OnPush component of Angular runs?

There are lots posts about how change detector works in Angualr. But I can't find a simple answer about when the change detector runs in OnPush components. I assume you understand how change detection works. If not , here is what you need to know. Angular use both zone.js and change detection. Zone.js modify DOM api(such as event, setTimeout etc), if an api trigger an exection of angular function, angular change detection cycle kick off. However, change detection cycle and change detector are two different concept. Change detector detects change. Change detection cycle does not necessary make change detector detect change. An angular application is a component tree. Each component will has its own change detector. The change detection start from the root components' change detector, all the way to the bottom component's change detector, asking them to detect change inside their components. By default, all change detectors will detect accordingly, unless the a change detector is manually detached by developer or it belongs to an OnPush component.

Here is a diagram shows when the change detector of OnPush component of Angular runs.

Change Detection Cycle start
Change Detection...
Is the trigger of Change Detection above (not inside/below) of the component?
Is the trigger of Change Det...
No (Inside / below)
No (Inside / below)
Yes (Above)
Yes (Above)
Is the @input reference changed
Is the @input refere...
The detector runs
The detector runs
Do nothing
Do nothing
Is it triggered by setTimeout
Is it triggered by se...
When Does the change detector of OnPush component run?
When Does the change detector of OnPush component run?
Viewer does not support full SVG 1.1

OnPush component does not change what can trigger change detection cycle. It does not when change detection cycle kicks off. It does not change how its parent's change detector runs, and it does not change how its children detector runs. It changes when the its and only its change detector runs. If you are an author of a component, and the component use @Input properties, and you will see there will be lots instance of this component in your application, and also there are lots binding in your component, it will make the performance better to mark the change detection strategy "OnPush" . Otherwise, the default change detection stragegy works just fine.

Sep 30, 2020

Create an Angular demo project

When learning Angular or any other framework or we have an idea, we want to quickly create a proof of concept. One way is quickly to quickly go to a online editor, such stackblitz, codepen, and start coding a demo project, then show case to other people of your code. But the problem is that, we quickly forget about the url of the projects, the more we create and the more we forget. So I built a project to serve as container of all demo projects. Here is what you need to do if you want to create new demo.

  1. Create a component, name it as demo-[name], such as demo-hero. Put your demo code in the component.
  2. Register the component in the demo-list.ts, like below. That is it.
import { DemoHelloComponent } from "./demo/demo-hello/demo-hello.component";
import { DemoByeComponent } from "./demo/demo-bye/demo-bye.component";
import { DemoHeroComponent } from "./demo/demo-hero/demo-hero.component";

export const demoList = {

Here it is preview of the project

Pretty simple, right? Here is how I do that.

  • Step 1 Create the DemoService(demo.service.ts) which list all the component you want to demo.
  • Step 2. Create a component(demo.component.ts) menu link to all the component in list
  • Step 3. Create route (app.module.ts) like demo/:id and link to the each component

If you interested in the code, you can navigate in the project

Angular component field initialization

In my previous post, I talked about Class field initialization in typescript. How about field initialization of angular component, is it different? Angular component is defined an typescript class. It should follow same logics. However, Angular component has life cycle. The ngOnInit is special method that angular will run angular first displays the data-bound properties and sets the directive or component's input properties. So if your initialization code depends on these data-bound proprties and input properties, you can not run them in constructor. So the following code doesn't work

class MyComponent {

  //angular specific
  @Input() firstName: string;
  @Input() lastName: string;

  fullName: string;

  constructor() {
    //this does not work
    this.fullName = this.firstName + ',' + this.lastName;

You have to run this code in the ngOnInit method like below.

class MyComponent {

  //angular specific
  @Input() firstName: string;
  @Input() lastName: string;

  fullName: string;

  ngOnInit() {
    this.fullName = this.firstName + ',' + this.lastName;


But some people take it too far. Since it is safter to run in ngOnInit method, why not always put all initialize code in this method. And So the following initialization code become very popular, even the initialization code has no dependency of angular data-bound proprties and input properties.

class ProductComponent {

  displayCode$: Observable<boolean>;
  errorMessage$: Observable<string>;
  products$: Observable<Product[]>;
  selectedProduct$: Observable<Product>;

  constructor(private store: Store) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {;
    this.products$ =;
    this.errorMessage$ =;
    this.selectedProduct$ =;
    this.displayCode$ =;

So If we understand this, can initialize the code like the following. It saves your effor of explicit typing by using typescript type inference. and it also improves code readability.

class ProductComponent {

  products$ =;
  errorMessage$ =;
  selectedProduct$ =;
  displayCode$ =;

  constructor(private store: Store) { }

Please your library user with typescript generic

In typescript, generic is a tool that api/library author to please its consumer. What does this means.

For example, as library developer, I want to create a higher order function to modify a an existing function, so that I can log the entering and exiting of the function 's execution. The following function does the job

function log (fn) {
  const name =;
  return function (...args) {
    console.log(`entering ${name}`);
    const rtn = fn(...args);
    console.log(`leaving ${name}`);

function add(a:number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

add(1, 2);
add('1', '2'); //warning
const logAdd = log(add); //type information is lost
logAdd(1, 2);
logAdd('1', '2'); //no warning

When consuming the log function, the modified function run as expected, but it lost the signature of the original function, and it cannot type checking like the original function.

It is pretty easy to solve the problem by adding generic to the log function.

function log<T extends (...args) => any>(fn: T) {
  const name =;
  return function (...args) {
    console.log(`entering ${name}`);
    const rtn = fn(...args);
    console.log(`leaving ${name}`);
  } as T;

function add(a:number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

add(1, 2);
add('1', '2'); //warning
const logAdd = log(add); //type information is retained.
logAdd(1, 2);
logAdd('1', '2'); //warning

Now the modified function has all the type information of the original function. The way it works is that typescript infer the type of input argument, and pass along the type along.

Class field initialization in typescript

In typescript class, you can define your field initialization in multiple ways. Here is one typical way to do that.

class BadPerson {

  fullName: string;
  age: number;
  created: Date;

  constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) {
    this.fullName = this.firstName + ',' + this.lastName;
    this.age = 18;
    this.created = new Date();
    //other imperative initailization goes to bottom

//typescript will compile to javascript like 
class BadPerson {
    constructor(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.fullName = this.firstName + ',' + this.lastName;
        this.age = 18;
        this.created = new Date();
        //other imperative initailization goes to bottom

The problem here is that you have to explicitly have specify the types of each field, and you initialize them in different place from where they are declared. The better way to initialize class fileds is like the following.

class GoodPerson {

  fullName = this.firstName + ',' + this.lastName;
  age = 18;
  created = new Date();

  constructor(public firstName: string, public lastName: string) {
    //other imperative initailization goes to bottom
// typescript will compile to javascript like
class GoodPerson {
    constructor(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
        this.fullName = this.firstName + ',' + this.lastName;
        this.age = 18;
        this.created = new Date();
        //other imperative initailization goes to bottom

Now the types of each fields are inferred correctly from the initialization, and you don't need to waste time to declare types from them. Secondly, you put initiaization and declaration in the same place, so the readability is much improved. Thirdly, the generated code is identical, so the logics is the same. It is true that field initialization happen before the code inside class constructor (from the code you can see that). So people believe that the shortcut field initialization in the constructor parameter is also initialized after normal field initialization, so if field initialization depends on the constructor parameter, they are not accessible. So people think they need to initialize those field inside the constructor. But from the compiled code, we can see that shortcut field initialization happens first, and they are accessible to other field initialization.